Please note that as a result of unprecedented levels of activity in our Property Department, we have been obliged to second our mortgage staff to assist in the Anti-Money Laundering Department and so our Mortgage Department is temporarily closed for new business.
If you require assistance with a mortgage, however, please contact us by phone or email and we will be happy to refer you for Independent mortgage advice to a mortgage expert who subscribes to the same levels of professionalism and dedication to client service as ourselves.
Planning Your Budget For Your Purchase
It is imperative that you understand at the outset all the costs that you are likely to
encounter in relation to your transaction to budget efficiently.
If you are lucky enough to be a ‘cash buyer’ then you will not need a loan to cover the cost of the purchase upfront. The majority of purchasers however will require a mortgage to pay off the purchase price over a longer, affordable period of time.
The mortgage secures the property for the purchaser and the purchaser pays off the mortgage over a set time frame (usually between 25 and 35 years). A mortgage will include interest, which is how the lender makes money from the transaction. The benefit to you – the purchaser – is that a mortgage makes purchasing affordable by paying off the loan each month.
The Mortgage landscape has changed beyond recognition and lending criteria varies from lender to lender. That is why it’s never been so important to take advice.
The market can often change daily and that’s why it makes sense to talk to professionals who have their finger on the pulse with detailed knowledge of a wide range of lending criteria. It is matching this criteria to your personal circumstances which will ultimately determine the lender and product for you.
You will also need to save for a deposit for the mortgage. In the current market, you will need a deposit of at least 5% of a property’s value to obtain a mortgage. The lender would then lend you the remaining 95% of a property’s value. 5% is the minimum, but you can save as much as you like for a deposit and the mortgage deal offered to you will depend on how much of a deposit you have.