Moving In to a Home With A Green Deal

As more people become aware of the Governments initiative to encourage energy efficient home improvements under the Green Deal scheme, we will see property coming to market which has a … Read More

Lending to First Time buyers Up

The Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML) have published data showing first time buyers in Scotland have been extremely active in the housing market during the second quarter of the year. … Read More

Interest Free Mortgage Deal

The Leeds Building Society has launched a range of new mortgage products with 0% interest payments for a period of three or six months for those with at least 10% … Read More

Scottish Property Prices Expected To Rise

According to the most recent ‘Housing Market Survey’ published by the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), property sales in Scotland are expected to rise over the coming months. The … Read More

Still a Nation of Home Owners

Still a Nation of Home Owners According to a survey carried out by YouGov on behalf of the Council of Mortgage Lenders almost all current home owners (95%) still want … Read More

New Rules for Landlords

New Rules for Landlords From 1st May, landlords will have a legal duty to provide new tenants with a Tenant Information Pack.  The pack is designed to provide information to … Read More